Pothos GraphQL


  • Auth

    Add global, type level, or field level authorization checks to your schema

  • Complexity

    A plugin for defining and limiting complexity of queries

  • Directives

    Integrate with existing schema graphql directives in a type-safe way.

  • Errors

    A plugin for easily including error types in your GraphQL schema and hooking up error types to resolvers.

  • Dataloader

    Quickly define data-loaders for your types and fields to avoid n+1 queries.

  • Mocks

    Add mock resolvers for easier testing

  • Prisma

    A plugin for more efficient integration with prisma that can help solve n+1 issues and more efficienty resolve queries

  • Relay

    Easy to use builder methods for defining relay style nodes and connections, and helpful utilities

    for cursor based pagination.

  • Simple Objects

    Define simple object types without resolvers or manual type definitions.

  • Smart Subscriptions

    Make any part of your graph subscribable to get live updates as your data changes.

  • Sub-Graph

    Build multiple subsets of your graph to easily share code between internal and external APIs.

  • Validation

    Validating your inputs and arguments